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In the market for your first home? Congratulations on taking this exciting step toward home ownership!

To help you navigate this journey with confidence, we’ve compiled our top tips for first-time home buyers.:

Have Pre-Approval in Place

Start by getting pre-approved for a mortgage to understand your budget and make your offers more appealing to sellers.

Knowing your budget beforehand will save time and help you focus on properties within your price range.

Work with a Real Estate Agent

Partner with a trusted agent who understands the local market and can guide you through the buying process, from finding listings to negotiating offers.  An experienced agent can provide valuable insights and advocate for your best interests.

Go to Open Homes

Take advantage of weekend open homes to tour properties and get a feel for what’s available in your desired area.

Ask questions and take notes to compare homes later on.  Pay attention to details like layout, condition, and potential for renovation.

Stay Flexible

Be open to compromise and prioritise your must-haves versus nice-to-haves. Remember, finding the perfect home may require some flexibility, but with patience and guidance, you’ll find the right fit.

Keep an open mind and be prepared to adjust your expectations as you explore different properties.

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